Sunday, September 19, 2010

Each journey begins with a step....

Or an airplane ticket! My daughter Margaux's trip to Kenya on a medical mission was the culmination of a lot of planning, a lot of saving and the generous support of a few good friends. Little did I know it was just the beginning....

I am a mother. My daughters have never gone hungry. My daughters have never lacked medical care. My daughters have a world of opportunity through education always available to them and they have the luxury of choice! I am blessed that they have open minds, generous hearts and compassionate spirits. Margaux's experience in Kenya has brought home life change for each of us. Now the need of other mothers and motherless children has a very personal face, one we can't ignore. To that end, we are starting World Care Connections. In just a few brief weeks, a small team of volunteers were able to give medical care to over 3,000 people with no access to it in remote villages. They brought and dispensed over 20,000 prescription medications. Margaux and I will be sharing photographs she took and her experiences with the people she met through this blog and the website we have under development. We are finalizing the status as a non-profit foundation. Erica's creative talents and computer wizardry will help us connect with you who want to share with the ones in need!

Other trips are planned for this upcoming year to Kenya and Tanzania. Our goal is to financially support trained medical volunteers who feel the call to serve under challenging circumstances around the world. In third world countries, a little goes a very long way.

I hope to find ten people who each know ten people who each know ten people who would not miss parting with $10 a month. By forming small GIVING CIRCLES of ten people who can commit just $10 each per month we can raise $1,200 a year. With great love, if we multiply these small gifts by 100 GIVING CIRCLES we can accomplish so much more!

Now imagine if you could see the faces and hear the stories of those people whose lives you touched..... we intend to have you share the experience as it unfolds.

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