Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why did I want to go to third world countries on medical missions?
Moral responsibility: God commanded us to care for the orphans and widows.  Most Americans can't go to third world countries and help, so I leave the widows and orphans of America in their hands.  I go because I can and because God placed Africa, specifically, on my heart.
Social responsibility:  If those of us that can make a difference don't try to help, the desperation that the less fortunate feel escalates to crime, violence, war.  Which then leads to worsened poverty, hunger, and death.

Today in World Malaria Day.  A disease that claimed 650,000 lives in 2010 (World Health Organization statistic). That is very close to the number of people that die of cancer annually. A disease that I have seen the effects of. The boy in the above picture was ill with an enlarge liver and spleen from repeated Malaria infections.  He was sent to the hospital hours away with funds to have some tests done and prays that his colon was not perforated from inflammation.  Without treatment he would die.

I am planning a trip to Uganda in October of this year.  This trip will be to an orphanage to provide medical care for the orphans and mamas that care for them.  This trip will cost just over $2000 depending on airfare.  I can not wait to get back on African soil and feel the Holy Spirit guide my every move.  

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